Job Training Conexión

with a Spark of Digital Literacy

These sessions will focus on how to register to work in Texas, create your winning resume, how to dress for success, and how to prep for an interview.

Work in Texas

This session will focus on finding online job opportunities!  Our partners from Workforce Solutions Borderplex will conduct training!  

Resume Writing

This session will focus on the correct way to write a resume!  Our partners
from Workforce Solutions Borderplex will conduct the training!  

How to dress for success

This session will focus on how you should dress for success in an office environment!  Our partners from Workforce Solutions Borderplex will be conducting the training!  

Interview Preparation the Do's and Don'ts

This session will focus on what you should or should not do during an interview!  Our partners from Workforce Solutions Borderplex will conduct the training!  

About Job Training Conexión

Through the support of the AT&T Foundation, Workforce Solutions Borderplex, and the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce we will conduct a series of bilingual training sessions under the “Job Training Conexcion – with a Spark of Digital Literacy” Program. These trainings will provide focused online job placement training, Resume Writing, Dressing for Success, and the Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing.

The purpose of this program is to provide local job seekers with the necessary skills to thrive in today’s job market with a focus on online job placement, resume writing, dressing for success, and refreshers on the “Do’s and Don’ts” of interviewing,”

Cindy Ramos-Davidson

CEO, El Paso hispanic Chamber of Commerce